Sunday, June 21, 2009

About me.

I was born and raised in a very large family. 12 children were the amount that my parents called cheaper by the dozen. Times were sometimes hard for us, but we were taught hard work and perseverance is what will get you through.All through my life God was filling my basket with the gifts and talents that I learned through living with such a large family. And all that I learned in my growing up years have cultivated into serving God through those gifts and talents that he stuck in my basket as a child. He will prepare us for the service that he has called us to do. Never think that what you can do for our Lord is menial in any way. He created us a long with our creativeness. All we have to do is look into our basket,pull out what God has placed there, and use it for his glory. I promise you, you will never find more joy in your life than when you find what he has given you in order to do his work.


  1. Welcome my little lovie dovie. Looking forward to sharing your thoughts with you. Most people just write good things about their spouse at first, so get with it!

  2. welcome little lovie dovie, ha, ha, that was good wade. is the the first of many little parts of you life.

  3. welcome welcome! I love your story! Hope mine is as amazing as your is when I am your age and wise!

  4. Lauren wrote, "When I am your age". Wow, duddette is she saying you are old? I don't know but at least we know it's 2009 and we are rarely late.

  5. Glad to see you on your own blog!!!

  6. The purpose to have a blog is to actually post something of interest..hello
